With the New Year always comes a desire to do something new with our lives...to make a change. Many times, for the Christian, this New Year's Resolution involves Bible reading or study. Lots of times, well-meaning people who aren't used to reading the Bible on a regular basis will take on the goal of adopting a Bible reading plan to read through the Bible, only to get discouraged after several weeks and quit completely. It's easy to just see the Bible as a large, complex book and become intimidated by the thought of studying it, learning from it, and letting it change our lives.
Several of our church members have requested a "Bible Basics" course to help them understand a basic overview of the books of the Bible and their themes, along with some suggested readings to help encourage them in their Bible study. I thought that this blog would be a good way of making this information available, and hopefully providing people with some common sense knowledge of the Bible. I would encourage you to share this information with anyone who would find it helpful, and I would also hope that you would feel free to comment, have discussions and ask any questions you have, either by commenting here or private messaging or emailing me.
I hope your New Year brings new life to your relationship with Christ and gives you a new hunger for His Word. I would pray that the Bible would no longer be a big, intimidating book to you, but rather the living Word of our Father, infusing life and changing you from the inside out.
Several of our church members have requested a "Bible Basics" course to help them understand a basic overview of the books of the Bible and their themes, along with some suggested readings to help encourage them in their Bible study. I thought that this blog would be a good way of making this information available, and hopefully providing people with some common sense knowledge of the Bible. I would encourage you to share this information with anyone who would find it helpful, and I would also hope that you would feel free to comment, have discussions and ask any questions you have, either by commenting here or private messaging or emailing me.
I hope your New Year brings new life to your relationship with Christ and gives you a new hunger for His Word. I would pray that the Bible would no longer be a big, intimidating book to you, but rather the living Word of our Father, infusing life and changing you from the inside out.