Key Players: God, Satan, Adam, and Eve
Read the story here: Genesis 3
In our last session, we saw that God had created a perfect environment and placed Adam and Eve in it, and in His words “it was very good.” Genesis 2 ends by stating that Adam and Eve were not ashamed, which was because they were innocent of sin and had nothing to be ashamed of before God. But for there to be good, there must also be evil, and Genesis chapter 3 ushers in the first sin.
Sometime during this period, the archangel Satan had led a rebellion against God (1 John 3:8), and one third of the angels created by God followed Satan (2 Peter 2:4). Because of this rebellion, God cast them out of heaven (Luke 10:17-18). So then, the serpent we see in Genesis 3:1 is actually Satan in disguise (2 Corinthians 11:3). Satan proceeds to deceive Eve by twisting the words of God, causing her to doubt, distrust, and rebel against God. Eve ate of the one fruit God had forbidden Adam and Eve from eating (Genesis 2:16-17). After eating, she gave some forbidden fruit to Adam who also ate, and because of their sin, all of mankind was cast into rebellion against God—we call this the “Fall of Man.”
The age of innocence was over. The time of creation being “very good” was ended by man’s simple choice to distrust God and to rebel against His command. Genesis 3:7-8 tells of how Adam and Eve were now ashamed, and in that shame of sin they hid from God and attempted to cover their shame by sewing together “clothing” for themselves. Genesis 3:9 says that God in His love sought after sinful man and called for Adam and Eve. Though God created the world for us to enjoy in fellowship with Him, suddenly sin separated us from Him and broke our fellowship with Him.
With the fall of man came a curse. God went to Adam first and the blame game began. Adam blamed Eve, and she blamed the serpent. Adam said, “My wife made me do it.” Eve said, “The devil made me do it,” and God in His righteousness said, “You’re all guilty and you all will suffer the consequences of your sin.” Adam was cursed to work the ground, which was also cursed with thorns. From this point on, by hard labor, mankind would have to work to provide food for his family. Eve was cursed in the pain of bearing children and by having a desire to rule over her husband. The serpent was cursed to crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the ground. And Genesis 3:15 prophesied the coming of a Savior (referred to in this verse as the "offspring of woman") who would destroy Satan (Romans 16:20) and place him in eternal punishment for his part in leading mankind to sin against God (Revelation 20:10).
We live in a fallen world where sin has cursed all of God’s creation. Sickness and death and pain and suffering are all results of this fall of mankind, but there is good news! There is a remedy for our sin curse which is found in God’s plan to restore mankind to a place of fellowship with Him through the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:12-21 tells us that through one man, Adam, sin entered the world, and all who are born of mankind are born with a sin nature which rebels against God. But this Scripture also tells us that one man, Jesus Christ came as a “second Adam” to live the sinless life we could not live. He came to pay our sin debt through His death and to offer His righteousness to all who come to Him for forgiveness of sin. Though we are still suffering the effects of the fall of man living in imperfect bodies on an imperfect earth, God offers us forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ his Son.
If you have more questions about the Fall of Man and God’s gift of salvation, please contact us!
Read the story here: Genesis 3
In our last session, we saw that God had created a perfect environment and placed Adam and Eve in it, and in His words “it was very good.” Genesis 2 ends by stating that Adam and Eve were not ashamed, which was because they were innocent of sin and had nothing to be ashamed of before God. But for there to be good, there must also be evil, and Genesis chapter 3 ushers in the first sin.
Sometime during this period, the archangel Satan had led a rebellion against God (1 John 3:8), and one third of the angels created by God followed Satan (2 Peter 2:4). Because of this rebellion, God cast them out of heaven (Luke 10:17-18). So then, the serpent we see in Genesis 3:1 is actually Satan in disguise (2 Corinthians 11:3). Satan proceeds to deceive Eve by twisting the words of God, causing her to doubt, distrust, and rebel against God. Eve ate of the one fruit God had forbidden Adam and Eve from eating (Genesis 2:16-17). After eating, she gave some forbidden fruit to Adam who also ate, and because of their sin, all of mankind was cast into rebellion against God—we call this the “Fall of Man.”
The age of innocence was over. The time of creation being “very good” was ended by man’s simple choice to distrust God and to rebel against His command. Genesis 3:7-8 tells of how Adam and Eve were now ashamed, and in that shame of sin they hid from God and attempted to cover their shame by sewing together “clothing” for themselves. Genesis 3:9 says that God in His love sought after sinful man and called for Adam and Eve. Though God created the world for us to enjoy in fellowship with Him, suddenly sin separated us from Him and broke our fellowship with Him.
With the fall of man came a curse. God went to Adam first and the blame game began. Adam blamed Eve, and she blamed the serpent. Adam said, “My wife made me do it.” Eve said, “The devil made me do it,” and God in His righteousness said, “You’re all guilty and you all will suffer the consequences of your sin.” Adam was cursed to work the ground, which was also cursed with thorns. From this point on, by hard labor, mankind would have to work to provide food for his family. Eve was cursed in the pain of bearing children and by having a desire to rule over her husband. The serpent was cursed to crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the ground. And Genesis 3:15 prophesied the coming of a Savior (referred to in this verse as the "offspring of woman") who would destroy Satan (Romans 16:20) and place him in eternal punishment for his part in leading mankind to sin against God (Revelation 20:10).
We live in a fallen world where sin has cursed all of God’s creation. Sickness and death and pain and suffering are all results of this fall of mankind, but there is good news! There is a remedy for our sin curse which is found in God’s plan to restore mankind to a place of fellowship with Him through the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:12-21 tells us that through one man, Adam, sin entered the world, and all who are born of mankind are born with a sin nature which rebels against God. But this Scripture also tells us that one man, Jesus Christ came as a “second Adam” to live the sinless life we could not live. He came to pay our sin debt through His death and to offer His righteousness to all who come to Him for forgiveness of sin. Though we are still suffering the effects of the fall of man living in imperfect bodies on an imperfect earth, God offers us forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ his Son.
If you have more questions about the Fall of Man and God’s gift of salvation, please contact us!